Obviously the Archive of Our Own was a huge inspiration for our project, and we’d like to thank the users of the archive and especially the tag wranglers for their work in developing the vocabulary.
Chance Hunt, Beck Tench, and Lily Rajan at the University of Washington iSchool helped us work through the Capstone process.
Stephanie Chase, our sponsor, helped guide our project. She helped us break out of our tunnel vision and think about how the project should be presented to people who aren’t already familiar with fandom and tag wrangling.
Tim Gordon at Bibliocommons took the time to chat with us about tagging and social features in BiblioCore and how tagging has been used in the past.
Erin Grant and colleagues at the University of Washington Libraries helped us try out the WorldCat API for importing data.
The National Center on Disability and Journalism Style Guide served as a source for many of our terms on disability. Homosaurus and the Conscious Style Guide‘s pages on Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality and Gender, Sex, and Sexuality helped us formulate our terms for other marginalized identities.
Our classmates in LIS 536, Metadata for Interactive Media, developed a vocabulary of time period settings for the Video Game Metadata Schema, and graciously shared this with us to be adapted into our terms for settings.