What is this study about?
You are being asked to participate in a research study about how readers classify what they’ve read in their own words. This study seeks to improve the quality of service provided by libraries, the understanding of readers’ search and fiction classification patterns, and the searchability of online card catalogs. It is up to you to decide whether you want to participate. If you decide to enroll, you can stop participation at any time.
We are asking you to be in the study because you demonstrated interest in fiction classification or are part of a group (i.e. book clubs, online forums, etc.) focused on reading fiction. Please read this page and ask any questions you may have before agreeing to be in this study.
What will you be asked to do?
If you agree to be in this study, we will ask you to select a book you have read and tag it with searchable terms, tropes, and ratings. You may do this for as many books as you desire. This is anticipated to take 10 minutes per book.
What will happen to the information you provide?
The information you provide will be anonymous and securely stored. Your name will not be connected to the data. Your username will not be visible to anyone but the research team. For security purposes, we ask that you select a username that is memorable to you but does not include identifying information, such as your first or last name.
What can you do if you want more information?
Talk to the study team. Elle Davis is the human subject coordinator at the University of Washington for this study and can be contacted at edavis12@uw.edu. You may also withdraw from this study at any time after participating; in the event that this happens, please contact Elle.
Talk to someone else. If you want to talk with someone who is not part of the study team about the study, your rights as a research subject, or to report problems or complaints about the study, contact the UW Human Subjects Division at hsdinfo@uw.edu or 206-543-0098.